Joris Daudet wins the USA BMX ROC Pro Main event

26 November 2021

As we enter the last event of the 2021 USA BMX Pro tour, Joris Daudet holds the lead on the Pro title chase. The Race of Champions is the last chance national score for the pros and with over 60 riders in attendance, it was the largest USA BMX event of the year. Joris Daudet was looking to add to his winning ways in 2021 and as he raced his way into the main event, he did that with every lap on the track.

When the main event dropped, Joris had his one bad start of the day and was marred in the back of the pack, but by turn 3 he had raced his way into 3rd place. When the 2 riders ahead tangled, Joris was right there to ride around than and to a victory at the ROC!

Joris will now go into tonight USA BMX Grand Nationals for the Pros with the lead and the confidence needed to race his was to a 4th USA BMX #1 Pro title if he is able to make the main event and finish in the top 3, no matter what!